Last week, the missionaries from both the Mexico Guadalajara and Mexico Guadalajara East (Dallin's mission) met together for a big mission conference where they welcomed Elder Russell M. Nelson and other authorities from the church. They spoke to the missionaries, and at the end, shook the hands of every missionary at the conference! This will be an experience Dallin will always remember. At the conference, Dallin was able to meet up with both of his MTC companions, which was another fun bonus to attending the conference! Here is an excerpt from Dallin's letter:
Elder Nelson spoke and instructed us on many topics. What I liked the most is when he talked about the word doctrine. In the scriptures, when the word Doctrine is used in plural form (doctrines) it is referring to Satan or Evil. Elder Nelson shared several scriptures to emphasize this point. Then he instructed us on when Doctrine is used singularly it is about the Doctrine of Christ, and Elder Nelson shared several scriptures while teaching of this important topic.
It has been really funny watching the little kids look at me. Yesterday a few were saluting us as we walked down the street. Sometimes kids and adults literally stop walking and just look up at me and then I start talking to them which really surprises them. When I am walking the area I sometimes I hear some music from the US. The other day I heard NSYNC and I just totally had to laugh.
We have a few investigators that are progressing well we have 2 other investigators with a baptismal date set for January 17. My companion goes home on January 19 so I hope they continue to progress and remain committed.
I know that Christmas time is time to be with our families, and even though I won’t be with you, I will be with my brothers and sisters in Mexico bringing them the gospel, and bringing tidings of great joy. I love you so much. I know that you will all be blessed because of my missionary service. I am so glad to be out here, and at times it is tough but overall, I am having a great time. The only hard part is being away from the ones I love.
I know Jesus Christ lives and he is the best gift we could have ever receive. Be strong in the gospel, pray always, read the scriptures every day and go the temple as much as possible. I love you all so much!
Elder Sweeten, one of Dallin's MTC companions! |
Elder Struhs, another MTC companion. |
How do you not buy an Olaf soap dispenser?! |