And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn wisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God. Mosiah 2:17 |
This week was good. We did some fun things and it was a really fast week!
So we did some service for Hermana Adriana! She was baptized recently, which was cool. We started to paint her house! We still have a ton left to paint, but we have set a day aside to come back to complete it and help, which will be fun. We painted with her daughter Lili who is a member as well.
Then a few days after we painted, we were eating outside of a members house and it started to poor rain! So we ate with our umbrellas open! We were almost done with the food, so it wasn't too bad! Haha!
Today we had a zone activity and played sports and all which was fun. Took a ton of pictures, and overall a really fun day! We ate a ton of pizza, played soccer, volleyball, football, basketball and other things! It was a multi-zone activity, so super fun! I saw Elder Larson today which made me happy! He is training now, which is cool.
We have an investigator named Rosendo who is super awesome. I'm buying him the triple combination (Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price, and Doctrine & Covenants) and the Bible. It's 80 pesos and he loves to read, so i know he will enjoy it. He is Mastering in some type of Mexican history. He loves to read and he is like 27. He is in Jacob now in the BOM. Super awesome.
We have some Elders sleeping in our house now. They are having problems in their area next to their house, so they have moved in with us to see if it settles down! We are having a lot of fun!
Overall everything is good :)
I love you all so much!!!!!!!
Elder Dance AKA Elder Guapo & Elder Jones |
Elder Christensen & Elder Jones |
Zone Conference fun. |
These Elders were in the MTC together! |
Matching Soccer Jerseys! |