The zone in Salvatierra, Guadalajara, Mexico! |
Another great week in the beautiful area of Salvatierra! Elder Jones loves the area, the people and the work. We are all so happy he is enjoying his experiences so far! Here is an excerpt from his letter this week:
We had zone meeting this week which went super good! Elder Hulme is my zone leader.
On Saturday we helped at a church activity and helped make some type of ice cream for the kids. In mexico they have a holiday called "Dia de Niño", and basically its just another day to party! It's for the kids. Hermano Eric did it all by hand!!! It took about an hour. Super crazy, but it was super good! It was basically a lime slushy.
Today i bought a Salvatierra belt. I thought it was cool, and its not super big and its easy to transport so I thought it was a good idea for an item for memories :)
We had some good lessons this week and we have 6 baptism dates!
We are going to baptize Vicky and Apolinar on the 16th! WE GOT A DATE FOR VICKY!!! That lesson was super great! It was on temples and I shared a photo of of the San Diego temple and of our family and talked about the blessings of the temple. We also watched a video of some temples with some music which was strong. We had the Piña family come with us as well which was super sweet. Overall, a great lesson!
We are going to baptize Enrique on the 26th of this month which is good as well!
We have new investigators. The Vasquez Muñoz family! We aren't going to baptize them until 13th of June but they are really excited about it!
Sherly is having some troubles right now and she needs some prayers. A lot of things are going on and she feels like she doesn't have the strength to continue to study with us. But her husband is helping her and we are going to have a lesson with her. We planned it out this morning and its going to be great! But please pray for her!
I need these nachos in my life. |
Elder Hulme and Elder Jones |
Making the lime slushy for the ninos! |
Mixed by hand! |