The Elders received their travel plans to Mexico! |
This past week, Dallin moved from the MTC West campus in Provo to the main campus. Before he and his companions were transferred, they found the rumored "pillow room" with the custodial staff. They let them in and Dallin said they were "floating on clouds" while playing in the pillow room! The sweet custodians snapped a photo for them, and e-mailed it to us! Too funny. On Monday, October 27th, Dallin will head to Mexico! He is very excited to head out and start to share the gospel!
Here is an excerpt from his letter this week:
I had an awesome week here at the MTC! This week Chad Lewis was the speaker at the weekly devotional. Chad played football for BYU and the Philadelphia Eagles. His devotional was so funny and encouraging. Chad speaks Chinese which he learned in the mission field and is now the NFL Ambassador to China, what an awesome opportunity. He spoke about his relationship with the Head Coach of the Eagles, Andy Reid who is a member of the Church. Chad told us about his experience in the NFL and how he always tried to share the gospel with others. He also talked about Coach Reid's speech to the Eagle Team and Organization immediately after the 9/11 event. Coach Reid basically shared a conference talk with the Eagles team, organization and media. All the media in Philadelphia began referencing and quoting Coach Reid’s remarks. Coach Reid was surprised that the players, team organization and media were talking about his talk. Coach Reid confided with Chad that he basically summarized a General Conference and the entire Eagle organization and local media where quoting an Apostle!
We also had Carlos A. Godoy come and speak to us on Tuesday. He was so funny with his remarks! All the missionaries were dying with laughter. He talked about Alma 22:26 which speaks about 4 things we need to do and 2 promises we will receive for following and being obedient. We need to repent, pray, have faith, and do good works. In doing this we will receive revelation and baptized thousands.... It’s so true.... If I only baptize one soul, events about that person’s family will change including those who are dead. They too can receive the blessing of the temple beyond the veil and the blessing will continue forward for many generations to come.
The infamous pillow room! Looks like fun! |
So tired.... Must take nap... ZzZZzzzZZzz |
Sister Jones & Elder Jones in the MTC! |
Doesn't this look like a boy band CD cover?
All the suitcases ready to transfer to the MTC main campus! |
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