Monday, February 15, 2016

Life in the Field: Baptism of Anaji

This week was pretty great! There was a baptism, and a lot of people at church again!

We were working hard this week, a lot of work, lot of success, A lot of people are sick right now with some type of strep throat or throat infection... so, guess who got sick Thursday night? Hahaha! Yup! Me! I went to the doctor on Friday and got some antibiotics. I'm fine now. We didn't got to the Zone Meeting Friday because I had no energy in the morning. We didn't work all Friday. I just slept all day. Kinda boring, but it was quite amazing. I felt so much better the next day!

One of the girls who we teach came to church on Sunday with her Mom, but she was dressed up in her princess dress! It was sooo freaking sweet!!!!!!Her brother, as well, is funny. We were teaching her and her mom, and her brother, who is about 6, was just a crack up! This kid is amazing. I wish I could film him!

We have a new investigator who is really chosen as well! He has been to church four times now, and wants to get baptized! We are hoping to baptize him in March, so we can finish teaching all the things we need to teach him! So we should have a handful of baptisms in late February & early March!

Today we went to Plaza Forum and I bought some Starbucks! #whitegirlswag. I was thinking about buying some new pants or a shirt, but then I remembered that I have two pairs of suit pants that I've never used!

This past weekend we had a baptism! Her name is Anaji, and she is nine years old. Her mother, Maria, is a member but wasn't going to church for the past ten years. So, we started to teach her and as a result, her daughter was baptized and Maria is now active in the church! 

My old companion, Elder Herbert, baptized her. It took my companion three attempts to baptize her because her dress kept popping out of the water but, after three dunks it all worked out! I confirmed her a member of the church. It was an awesome experience because it was my first time confirming someone a member of the church and giving them the Holy Ghost!

Right now I'm reading Jesus the Christ. This book is so awesome! I think I'm in chapter 7 or 8 now... I really enjoy it and its very interesting! Good read!

This week on Wednesday, I'm going to complete 17 months in the mission! that means 6 more months and I'm home!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE DID THE TIME GO!?!??!!??! 

Besides that, all is well here in Guadalajara. Lots of work to do! It's getting a little warmer but that's fine. I need a little bit of color ;) I love hearing from you all back at home, Especially when you send pictures too! 

¡Gracias por su amor y sus oraciones! Espero que pronto hay mas bautismos. ¡Cuídense todos y nos vemos pronto!

Love you all!

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