Baptism of Tereso, Diego & Diego! |
This week was great! We had three baptisms!!!!!!!!!! :)
We moved the other two for this week due to some things... but this week we should baptize again!!!!!! :)
This week we baptized Tereso Marron and his son Diego Marron. We also baptized Diego Alvarado who is 11. All of these baptisms were from less active families! TIME TO REACTIVATE THE LESS ACTIVES AND BAPTIZE! :)
This week we are going to baptize Maria Natividad and her daughter Vania Angelica. Another two baptisms from less active families! :) A lot of success! :)
Today we had a zone activity and played capture the flag, which was sweet! A lot of fun and it had a twist with water balloons! If you tagged them they were out, but if you hit them with a water balloon you had to return to their side and touch the wall. It was fun! We played Nephites vs Lamanites. Or in other words, whiteys vs tanner darker people! Hahaha! How do I say it without sounding racist? Americans vs Latinos? Hahaa. it was fun! :)
Today we have a lesson planned for Maria and her daughter! We are going to baptize on Friday! :) Pray for them!
We also had divisions this week with the zone leaders. I was with Elder Lavery, and had a fun time. Elder Lavery got sick from the pizza we ate. Oops! Almost went to the bathroom in his pants 
I ate a bunch of tortas ahogadas, but with pure chili! Everyone couldn't believe their eyes! I loved it! That night my stomach hated me, but my taste buds love it! I love spicy food! I think I eat more spicy than Mom! Hahaha!
I took a twinzy picture with Elder Lavery. I hope you enjoy that. we also took a few district photos and zone photos!
There are changes this next Monday! Let's see if I stay here for another six weeks, or if I go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I go, please pray that I don't go to Lazaro Cardenas. I don't want to die from 100 degree weather with 90% humidity! Yikes! Haha!
Thanks for the love and support!
Diego with his family on his baptism day! |
Tereso & Diego on their baptism day! |
Looking for people to teach! |
Elder Jones & Diego |
Zone Activity! |
Twinning is Winning! Elder Jones & Elder Lavery. |
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